7th & 8th grade: When the festival is over

Dear students:

Watch the following video and answer the questions below:

1. Write a short description of what you can see in the video
2. What are the most common objects volunteers find when cleaning?
3. Why do volunteers collect camping equipment? What do they do with the objects?
4. What do homeless people receive from the foundation?
5. What do you think about this action? Is it worth doing so?

11th grade: animals like humans or humans like animals?

Dear students:

Read the text available in page 39 and watch the following video. If you don't have your book, you can read the text here

After doing both tasks, answer the questions below:
1. Write a description of the woman from the video and the man from the text
2. Are these two people similar? Why? Why not? Write at least 3 differences or similarities
3. What do you think about each of them? Are they normal people? Why?

10th grade: Past Perfect

Dear students:

Watch the following video about the past perfect and answer the questions below:


1. What do we use the "Past Perfect" for?
2. Write down an example of the order of sequences and the use of the "Past Perfect" and the "Past Simple"
3. What can we use to emphasise the sequence? Provide 2 examples
4. Do the exercises proposed in the video (exercise #1, 5 sentences)


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