11th grade: Final Writing exercise

Dear students:

Here you have the final activity from unit 2.  Write the questions and answers in your notebook.

10th grade: Valentine's Day

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on to practise for the test.  Answer the questions in your notebook.  For the listening activity, you can listen to the recording below

Audio Exercise 3: 

8th grade: Shopping in different contexts

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on today.  Write all the questions and answers in your notebook.

10th grade: Superstitions around the world

Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1. Which superstition from the video do Chilean people believe in?
2. Choose one superstition that characterises Chilean people.  Write a short description of it including:
      a) What the superstition is about
      b) The origin of this superstition (historical, religious, etc.)
      c) Do you believe in these kinds of believes? Why?

11th grade: Speaking and Writing Exercise

Dear students:

Here you have the activity you must work on today.  Answer the questions in your notebook.

11th grade: Listening activity

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on.  If you have the book, you can answer the questions there; if you don't have it, you must write your answers in your notebook

Ms. Villablanca

Audio 1: 

Audio 2:


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