7th & 8th grade: When the festival is over

Dear students:

Watch the following video and answer the questions below:

1. Write a short description of what you can see in the video
2. What are the most common objects volunteers find when cleaning?
3. Why do volunteers collect camping equipment? What do they do with the objects?
4. What do homeless people receive from the foundation?
5. What do you think about this action? Is it worth doing so?

11th grade: animals like humans or humans like animals?

Dear students:

Read the text available in page 39 and watch the following video. If you don't have your book, you can read the text here

After doing both tasks, answer the questions below:
1. Write a description of the woman from the video and the man from the text
2. Are these two people similar? Why? Why not? Write at least 3 differences or similarities
3. What do you think about each of them? Are they normal people? Why?

10th grade: Past Perfect

Dear students:

Watch the following video about the past perfect and answer the questions below:


1. What do we use the "Past Perfect" for?
2. Write down an example of the order of sequences and the use of the "Past Perfect" and the "Past Simple"
3. What can we use to emphasise the sequence? Provide 2 examples
4. Do the exercises proposed in the video (exercise #1, 5 sentences)

11th grade: Animals and Humans

Dear students:

Here you have the activity to work on today.  This is an introductory activity to start Unit 4 next class.

10th grade: Prisons around the world

Dear students:

Watch the following video and answer the questions below


1. How many people are incarcerated there?
2. What positive features can you find in this prison?
3. What are the main problems in there?
4. Why are there so many people in that prison? What's the most common crime?
5. Do you think it is fair to be in prison in those conditions? Why?

7th grade: Universities vs. Technical Training Centres

Dear students:  Watch the following video and answer the questions below.


1. What problem does the video show?
2.  What are the disadvantages of each type of education? Write down 3 disadvantages for:
     a. Having a university degree (after studying at university)
     b. Having a technical qualification (after studying at a technical training centre)

7th grade B: Education in Chile

Dear students:

Here you can watch the video we saw in classes.  Answer the questions in your notebook.  This activity must be presented on Wednesday 28th.

Ms. Villablanca

10th grade: Worksheets

Dear students:

Here you can find the material we have been working in unit 3.  If you missed a class or lost your worksheet, you can download it and print it at home.

Ms. Villablanca

Worksheet "Global Problems: click here to download

11th grade: Quantifieres (a / an - some - any)

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity to work on today.  For the listening, only your answers will be enough; however, the second exercise must be completely written in your notebook (including questions and answers)

Listening 1: Spaghetti Bolognese

11th grade: Shopping in different contexts

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on today.  Write all the questions and answers in your notebook.

10th grade: What would you do in these situations?

Dear students:

You will watch some videos about natural disasters from a TV programme called "Do or Die".  For each of the situations, answer the questions below.  Use the second conditional when possible.

 Situation 1:

a. What's the natural disaster described?
b. How could that disaster be triggered?
c. What would you do in that situation? Why? Provide at least 2 reasons to support your choicce

Situation 2:

a. What's the natural disaster described?
b. How could that disaster be triggered?
c. What would happen if you were buried and weren't found within the first 12 minutes?
d. What would you do in that situation? Why? Provide at least 2 reasons to support your choicce

 Situation 3:

a. What's the natural disaster described?
b. Why is this disaster the most dangerous during winter in the USA?
c. What are the causes of this natural disaster?
d. What would you do in that situation? Why? Provide at least 2 reasons to support your choicce

10th grade: Scary predictions for the year 2050

Dear students:

For this activity you need to watch the following video and answer the questions below.  For each question, provide a complete answer in your notebook.


1. According to the video, what are the 5 problems that the world will face by the year 2050? Write a short definition for each of them
2. Why will people move to different places?
3. What does "flooding" refer to? How often will it happen?
4.  Why diseases will spread to new locations?
5. What do you think is the biggest problem? Why?

11th grade: Buying and shopping vocabulary

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on today.  Write the questions and answers in your notebook.

11th grade: Final Writing exercise

Dear students:

Here you have the final activity from unit 2.  Write the questions and answers in your notebook.

10th grade: Valentine's Day

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on to practise for the test.  Answer the questions in your notebook.  For the listening activity, you can listen to the recording below

Audio Exercise 3: 

8th grade: Shopping in different contexts

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on today.  Write all the questions and answers in your notebook.

10th grade: Superstitions around the world

Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1. Which superstition from the video do Chilean people believe in?
2. Choose one superstition that characterises Chilean people.  Write a short description of it including:
      a) What the superstition is about
      b) The origin of this superstition (historical, religious, etc.)
      c) Do you believe in these kinds of believes? Why?

11th grade: Speaking and Writing Exercise

Dear students:

Here you have the activity you must work on today.  Answer the questions in your notebook.

11th grade: Listening activity

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on.  If you have the book, you can answer the questions there; if you don't have it, you must write your answers in your notebook

Ms. Villablanca

Audio 1: 

Audio 2:

11th grade: Holiday and Travel Vocabulary

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on.  Remember to write all your answers in your notebookk.

Ms. Paula

10th grade: Nostradamus predictions for 2017

Dear students:

Watch a video about the predictions written by the well-known philosopher Nostradamus.  For each prediction, provide your opinion, explaining if his ideas will or might happen in the future.

For example:
-Prediction 1: "Language differences will disappear"
"I think language differences will / won't disappear, because..."
-Prediction 2: "Humans will be able to communicate with animals"
"I think humans might communicate with animals, since..."

Nostradamus predictions for 2017:

10th grade: Will robots take our jobs?

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity to work on.  Watch the video and answer the questions below

1. According to the video, are robots going to take our jobs? How? Provide 3 examples

2. How will automation affect our economy and our lives in general? Describe the positive and negative points of view, providing 2 examples per each one

3. What do we need to do to prepare for the age of accelerated automation?

11th grade: Unit 1 "Holidays and Travel"

Dear students:

Watch the following video promoting Chile for tourism.  After watching it, answer the following questions:

1) What is your favourite part of Chile? Why?
2) What is the most horrible place you have ever been to? Would you go again? Why?
3) If you had invite foreign people to Chile, what city or place would you recommend them to visit? Why? (provide 4 reasons)

8th grade: Life experiences with "for" and "since"

Dear students:

Here you can find the activity you must work on.  Remember to write all the sentences in your notebook, using "for" or "since"

7th grade: Video comprehension activity

Dear students:

Here you can watch the video and also download the questions I gave as homework.  write all the questiones on your notebook, and correct only the false statements.

Activity: Click here to download the questions


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