6th grade: Possessive Case Assignment

Dear Students:

In the link below, you can find the worksheet I asked you to do in order to study for the test.  Remember to copy all the sentences on your notebook

Worksheet: Click here to download!

7th grade: Present Simple Affirmative

Dear students:

In the link below, you can find the worksheet you have to work on.  Download it, and write all the exercises on your notebook!

 Worksheet: Click here to download!

9th grade: Weather and Personality Vocabulary

Dear students:

This is the activity due to March 24th.  Download the worksheet and listen to the audio below to complete it

Listening 1: Montreal and its weather

Worksheet: click here to download

9th grade: 'Be going to' worksheet

Dear students:

Below you can find the link to download the worksheet due to March 11th.  Write all the exercises on your notebook to get extra points for the test =)


Ms. Paula

Worksheet: click here to download it


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